What is Costa Rica Software?

Costa Rica Software is a company started by Rory Hewitt.

Who is Rory Hewitt?

Rory started working on the System/38 and AS/400 in England for a large insurance company. Since 1997, he has worked as a software engineer for Synon Corporation/Sterling Software/Computer Associates, developing and maintaining the Synon/2E (AllFusion 2E) application development modeling tool.

Most recently, he has been the architect and principal developer on the AllFusion 2E Web Option product - an 'add-on' product to AllFusion 2E, which allows AllFusion 2E users to generate HTML 'template' pages for existing applications and then run these applications from the web.

The Web Option tool has galvanized the AllFusion 2E customer base and allowed traditional 'green-screen' iSeries sites to join the internet age.

Rory has given many presentations in user conferences in both the USA and Europe, covering such disparate subjects as Database Jobs and National Language Support, as well as many presentations on products on which he has worked.

See here to find out more about Rory and see his pictures :)

What's in a name?

Why is Costa Rica Software called Costa Rica Software? When you've been to Costa Rica, you'll realize that it's a beautiful country, and too many software companies have boring techie names and I wanted a vaguely techie name that also wasn't just "Rory Hewit Consulting Services" or something equally boring 'Nuff said.

Contact me

Feel free to email me at rory.hewitt [at] gmail.com.

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